Saturday, October 14, 2006

More on MySpace

What's the deal with music pages on MySpace? Do people really think they're communicating with the artists? When people leave messages on John Fahey's MySpace page, they surely know that a) he's dead, and b) even if he was alive, he surely wouldn't be checking in on his MySpace page to read the comments left by people (or who knows, maybe he would). And when people leave messages for, say, the Rolling Stones or Madonna or Coldplay or whoever, they surely must know that their message, which simply reads "I love your music", is not going to be read by the artist. Or do they. The whole phenomenon has not yet ceased to mystify me. I'm sure MySpace is the equivalent of the 'blogging revolution' for people with essentially nothing to say.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10/16/2006 05:09:00 pm  
Blogger Chai said...

I went to see Kevin Smith speak and he said he never reads the comments. He just clicks on accepting 'friends' and his goal is to break 100,000.
Also, he gets a kick out of having lots of people read what he writes at the click of a button (ie. he clicks on 'publish' and 100,000 people gets access to it.)

10/28/2006 10:04:00 am  

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