Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It's my birthday today! I'm 33. Full report later.

Despite my wariness and general confusion, I've been poking around Myspace over the last few days. At first I planned on only 'adding' people I know, but as practically none of my friends are on Myspace, my profile was looking pretty sad. So I started adding people I knew of, or people I had met briefly through mutual acquantances, or people I had threadbare connections with via the old fanzine days. Then I started wondering what the point of doing this was - I'm never going to see or speak to most of these people. Then I read this article about the history of Myspace, and how it's just one big marketing enterprise.

I understand the buzz about a lot of (useful) internet things; blogs, RSS, social bookmarking, podcasts, wikis, tagging etc. I really love wasting time at sites like Wikipedia,, Livejournal, Digg, Reddit, ILM, Rate Your Music, IMDB, Metafilter, Flickr, and many blogs. But I've never quite got Myspace. So at the moment, I'm on the verge of de-activating my account and disappearing from the Myspace world.


Blogger teigan said...

Happy birthday!

It's my birthday tomorrow. I will be 30 years old, supposedly.

>But I've never quite got Myspace.

And yet you do seem kind of fascinated by it. As am I, although I don't really get it either.

I've a very nasty feeling it might just be because we are Too Old

9/13/2006 01:09:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday :-)

You've reminded me to get busy at myspace as my (collaborative) music blog has a paltry 3 friends. Outrageous. Must buy some more.

9/13/2006 08:23:00 pm  

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