Sunday, September 10, 2006


After repeated prompting from students at work who wanted to 'add' me, I finally set up a MySpace page. Now that I've been poking around it for a few days, I can report with confidence that I still don't 'get it'. The interface confuses me, nothing's clear-cut, and almost every user-page is a CSS mess. I don't understand what you're supposed to do with it - apart from 'add' as many people as you can. People seem to use it to communicate, but I'm not sure how it's any better than good ol' e-mail. As for the blogging function, I can't understand why anyone would use it over proper blogs with RSS feeds. And they call individual posts 'blogs'! A post is not a blog, it's a post. So when MySpace asks if you want to create a new 'blog', what they mean is a new post to your blog. Confusing.

I sent out a group e-mail to varioous friends and acquaintances, to see if anyone I knew had a MySpace page. The universal response was 'no'. Anyway, should you wish to add me, my MySpace is here.

Anyway, I love dinner on Friday nights...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a damn fine choice of beer there!

10/11/2006 07:09:00 pm  

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