Saturday, June 10, 2006

I'm not sure where the last week went

It's taken me most of the week to get through 'The Growth of the Popular Press', chapter 3 of Raymond Williams' The Long Revolution. It charts the growth of newspapers in England from the 17th century through to the 1950s, and is heavy on circulation figures and percentages. I sometimes felt that a simple graph could have eliminated hundreds of words. Yesterday I had lunch at Spicy Fish Restaurant again. I had to wait for a table this time - word is spreading, I guess. Every time I've been here, someone at an adjacent table orders the spicy fish straight away, without even having to look at the menu, so I'm guessing this trademark dish is what's attracting in the spice-fans throughout the city. I had beef in blackbean sauce, which was a lot better than the regular beef in blackbean one gets at cheap Chinese lunch places, but it wasn't as good as the chicken with chili I had on my first visit. Breakfast at Tom Phat this morning. I opted for the 'Viet fried eggs', which I've had before. This place deserves props for serving up interesting South Asian themed egg dishes where most other cafes are still serving same-old. The poached eggs from Atomica I wrote about a few weeks back were certainly lacking in imagination. Following breakfast, we drove out to Coburg Aquarium, where I bought 8 silvertip tetras and 2 pearl gouramis - it's always exciting getting new fish.


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