Two dreams I had last night;
1) When I opened the exam paper, the first question was "Compile a mix-CD for one of the Roman consuls we have studied. Explain your song choice".
2) I discovered an arcane Roman ritual which still exists amongst Italian youth today. During the days of the Republic, young boys were encouraged too enter a deep meditative trance, whereupon they imagined themselves as great soldiers. This ritual was intended to instill a driving motivation deep in the subconscious. I discovered that it is still done today, except Italian boys simpply use Photoshop to create an image of themselves as soldiers.
Further to this, I thought I heard someone repeatedly calling out "Jugera!" (which is a Roman measurement of land, equal to about 1.25 acres). Then I suddenly awoke, realising that our cat was coughing up a furr-ball on the couch, and that it was she who was calling out "Jugera!" (which is kind of onomatopoeic for the sound she makes when she coughs up a furr-ball).
I hope you are a woman because i find you tremendously sexy from what you write. My favourite roman emperor was adriano 'cause he was spanish and Marco Aurelio because his 'meditations' is my favourite self-help book.
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